Wow! I haven't updated my blog since Christmas. Sorry guys, I have been very busy with my job, working on floor mats and painting car parts.
Anyways, I had someone messing around with my car at night. I would wake up in the morning only to find rocks, dirt and my exaust tips bent. So I bought a GoPro Motorsports cam and set it up to film at night. Haven't caught anyone yet, but other car alarms often go off early morning.
Not only is this a great security cam for when ever I park my car. It is also great to use while driving to catch other bad drivers or to get some cool video at different angles. I took some videos for ya guys. I forsure will be getting many new cool vids in the future. In the videos my piano dash trim is removed, thats because I been busy painting it!
You can click on the videos and watch them on Youtube in a larger higher quality.